Science, asked by rahulchowdhury13, 7 months ago

What are difference between cropping pattern of india


Answered by skyfall63

The crop pattern in India is determined by rainfall, temperature, climate, technology and type of soil.


The crop pattern refers to the proportion of arable land under cultivation at different times. This shows the time and arrangement of the crops in a given area of land.

Any change in crop pattern would cause:

  • The proportion of land under different crops would change.
  • Change in space sequence and crop time

Types of cropping pattern of India are:

  • Monocropping
  • Mixed Cropping
  • Intercropping
  • Row Intercropping
  • Strip Intercropping
  • Crop Rotation

To know more:

State the difference between the two cropping system in india ...

explain cropping pattern use in india. ..give me in point -

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