What are different types of forests?
Temperate Deciduous Broad Leaf Forest: ...
Thorn Forest: ...
Mangroves: ...
Sparse Trees And Parkland: ...
Needle Leaf Forest: ...
Semi Evergreen And Evergreen Moist Broad Leaf Forest: ...
Lowland Evergreen Broad Leaf Rain Forest: ...
Freshwater Swamp Forest:
there are 3 types of forests
the tropical,
and boreal forests (taiga).
Deciduous or broadleaf trees lose all of their leaves for part of the year. This process of shedding unneeded parts is known as abscission. The trees survive winter weather conditions against all odds by conserving water through abscission. They remain dormant during chilly winters and save energy.
Coniferous trees retain their leaves in all seasons. They lose and replace them gradually throughout the year, and not all at once. Most conifers stay green all year round and are referred to as 'evergreen trees.' Most temperate climate trees are evergreen