What are different types of routing?explain distance vector routing?
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The distance-vector routing Protocol is a type of algorithm used by routing protocols to discover routes on an interconnected network. The primary distance-vector routing protocol algorithm is the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Another type of routing protocol algorithm is the link-stateapproach.
Routing protocols that use distance-vector routing protocols include RIP (Routing Information Protocol), Cisco's IGRP (Internet Gateway Routing Protocol), and Apple's RTMP (Routing Table Maintenance Protocol). The most common link-state routing protocol is OSPF (Open Shortest Path First). Dynamic routing, as opposed to static (manually entered) routing, requires routing protocol algorithms.
Dynamic routing protocols assist in the automatic creation of routing tables. Network topologies are subject to change at any time. A link may fail unexpectedly, or a new link may be added. A dynamic routing protocol must discover these changes, automatically adjust its routing tables, and inform other routers of the changes.
The process of rebuilding the routing tables based on new information is called convergence. Distance-vector routingrefers to a method for exchanging route information. A router will advertise a route as a vector of direction and distance.
Direction refers to a port that leads to the next router along the path to the destination, and distance is a metric that indicates the number of hops to the destination, although it may also be an arbitrary value that gives one route precedence over another. Inter network routers exchange this vector information and build route lookup tables from it.
Distance vector protocols are RIP, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGPR).
Algorithm where each router exchanges its routing table with each of its neighbors. Each router will then merge the received routing tables with its own table, and then transmit the merged table to its neighbors. This occurs dynamically after a fixed time interval by default, thus requiring significant link overhead.
Routing protocols that use distance-vector routing protocols include RIP (Routing Information Protocol), Cisco's IGRP (Internet Gateway Routing Protocol), and Apple's RTMP (Routing Table Maintenance Protocol). The most common link-state routing protocol is OSPF (Open Shortest Path First). Dynamic routing, as opposed to static (manually entered) routing, requires routing protocol algorithms.
Dynamic routing protocols assist in the automatic creation of routing tables. Network topologies are subject to change at any time. A link may fail unexpectedly, or a new link may be added. A dynamic routing protocol must discover these changes, automatically adjust its routing tables, and inform other routers of the changes.
The process of rebuilding the routing tables based on new information is called convergence. Distance-vector routingrefers to a method for exchanging route information. A router will advertise a route as a vector of direction and distance.
Direction refers to a port that leads to the next router along the path to the destination, and distance is a metric that indicates the number of hops to the destination, although it may also be an arbitrary value that gives one route precedence over another. Inter network routers exchange this vector information and build route lookup tables from it.
Distance vector protocols are RIP, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGPR).
Algorithm where each router exchanges its routing table with each of its neighbors. Each router will then merge the received routing tables with its own table, and then transmit the merged table to its neighbors. This occurs dynamically after a fixed time interval by default, thus requiring significant link overhead.
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