Physics, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

What are electromagnetic waves ,state their few applications??


Answered by S4MAEL
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✯Electromagmetic waves :--
electromagnetic waves are those waves in which there are sinusoidal variation of electric  and magnetic field vectors at right angle to each other as well as right angles to the direction of wave propagation .
For example:--light waves
≧✯ X-rays :--x- rays used in medical diagnosis ,e.g locating fracture in bone, bullet in the body, etc.they are also used in the treatment of certain forms of cancer ,because X-rays damage or destroy living tissues and organisms.
X-rays are used in engineering ,e.g locating the faults and flaws /cracks in the finished material.
≧✯ U.V rays :--these rays used for sterilizing the surgical equipment ,preserving food stuff by killing bacteria and germs.they are also used to detecting finger -prints , forged documents ,counters  feit currency - notes and invisible writings .
≧✯infra-red :--the infra -red rays are used in night - vission devices ,revealing secret documents on ancient walls ,treating muscular strains and keeping the greenhouses warm.
≧✯Micro-waves :-- these are used in RADAR .microwaves also used for cooking or warming food are interesting domestic applications of these waves.

≧✯Radiowaves :-- radio-waves are used in TV and radio communication ,mobile phones etc.

hope \: it \: helps


mamtahvaid: wrong
S4MAEL: what
Anonymous: No it's all correct 100% sure ....thank you soo much bro i helps a lot me
S4MAEL: welcm dude☺
mamtahvaid: ok
Steph0303: No plagiarism. 100% Unique

Good answer Gaurav249 ^_^
S4MAEL: thnx sir
Steph0303: Pleasure ^_^
Answered by lucifer01
electromagnetic waves include radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays. Radio waves have the lowest energy and frequency and the longest wavelength. Gamma rays are at the opposite end of the spectrum, with the highest energy and frequency and shortest wavelength.

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