What are excretory organs in platyhelminthesis
that may be faecy buddy !
Playtyhelminthes- The FlatWorm Phylum :-
It has 2 nephridiums which remove the waste from the trenatodas body.
These are connected to a duct that is specialized for collecting the waste.These 2 ducts are connected to a bladder which takes the waste and excretes it from the body.This done through small pores on the end of the worm. This is Metanephridia
The excretions leave through the mouth, since it has no anus. It has a hollow cell where all the food goes. When it is in the hollow cell, the hollow cell takes the food and propels it into little tubes, which are lined with flame cells. These flame cells contain small cilia, these cilia pushes the waste from the flame cells to tubules that excrete the waste from the proglottids. This is called Protonephridia
Planarians :-
Planarians have 2 strands of excratory tubes that branch out to the outside of the body. This excretory system is called protonephridium, which means closed tubes without internal openings. Along these small tubes, are excretory cells called Flame Cells, which excrete the waste out of the Planarians body. They do this by sending the waste through small ducts to excretory pores which rid the waste from the body.