Chemistry, asked by cheetah10, 10 months ago

what are food additives​


Answered by sangeetamondal971

Food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste, appearance, or other qualities. Some additives have been used for centuries; for example, preserving food by pickling, salting, as with bacon, preserving sweets or using sulfur dioxide as with wines. 

Answered by kumariasthaverma2


खाद्य योगज वह पदार्थ होते हैं जो खाद्य वस्तुओं में सुवास, रूप, रंग, गंध या अन्य किसी गुण को सुरक्षित रखने या बढ़ाने के लिए डाले जाते हैं। कुछ योगज खाने में शताब्दियों से डाले जा रहे हैं, जैसे कि सिरका, नमक, चीनी, इत्यादि। आधुनिक काल में सल्फर डाइऑक्साइड डालकर खाने को अपघटन से बचाया जाता है।


food additive is any of various natural or synthetic substances, such as salt, monosodium glutamate, or citric acid, used in the commercial processing of food as preservatives, antioxidants, emulsifiers, etc, in order to preserve or add flavour, colour, or texture to processed food.

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