What are geomorphological features of extra peninsular region india?
The broadest geomorphic division of India .1.the peninsular India ,
2.the extra-peninsular India
3.the indo-gangetic plain also correspond to thethree broadest tectonic divisions
The broadest geomorphic division of India-
1.the peninsular India,
2.the extra-peninsular India,
3. the indo-gangetic plain also correspond to the three broadest tectonic divisions .
*The peninsular India comprises the Indian shield and its phanerozoic and proterozoic covers.
*The extra peninsular constitutes a part of the alpine – Himalayan tertiary mountain belts the geomorphic characters of these young mountains are in contrast to largely peneplained and plateau mountains of the peninsular India.
*The indo- gangetic plain extends from the mouth of Indus river drainage in to Arabian sea in the west through the northern plains of India to the great deltaic sunderban where the ganga and brahmputra river system together drain in to bay of Bengal . quaternary alluvial sediments covering the indo-gangetic plain where accumulated in a great trough between the peninsular and extra peninsular regions