what are good phrases to say in Spanish oral exam
Here are a few that may be of some help to you.
A mi juicio... In my opinion...
A mi parecer/a mi modo de ver... The way I see it...
Según... According to...
Por otro lado... On the other hand...
De todos modos... Anyway/In any event...
De todos maneras... Anyway/In any event...
No obstante... However/Nevertheless...
Sin embargo... However/Nevertheless...
De hecho... As a matter of fact...
En realidad... Actually...
Es decir... That is (to say)...
Por supuesto... Of course...
Es de suponer que... I would imagine that...
A todas luces Quite obviously/clearly/evidently
Además... Moreover...
Además de... Besides...
Lo que es más... What's more...
Para colmo de males... To make matters worse/To top it all off...
Por desgracia... Unfortunately...
En pocas palabras... In short...
En primer lugar... First of all...
Hope it helps....
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