what are harmful effects of bread
Answer :
The highly processed flour and additives in white, packaged bread can make it unhealthful. Consuming too much white bread can contribute to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. However, buying bread with the word “whole” as the first ingredient still does not guarantee a healthful product.
3 Uncommen reason why to not eat bread !
1. It doesn’t have many nutrients:
Unlike other food items, bread, especially white bread and items made from it lack nutrients. You’re not getting any fiber, you’re not getting the wholesomeness of grains — you’re basically getting nothing important out of it. While bread made of wheat is a little better, if you’re looking for nutrients, bread made out of whole grains are what you must opt for.
2. It contains too much salt:
Most bread varieties, especially the processeeld kind that you buy from the supermarket, contain lots of salt. So if you eat lesser bread, the amount of sodium in your body is significantly reduced. Of course, one slice of bread, every now and then won’t do any damage. In fact, you can bake your own bread at home, without adding too much salt.
3. It makes you gain weight
If you eat too much of bread, because of all carbs, salt, refined sugar and preservatives that it contains, it can make you put on pounds! Eating it in moderation is fine; especially when you take the time to make sure it’s as healthy as possible. It’s not a wholesome, filling meal.
Since certain kinds of bread lack nutrients, when you eat them, you might not feel satiated, because it’s not filling!