Computer Science, asked by ilaranidebroy111, 8 months ago

What are Javascript Data Type?​


Answered by terabaap83


there are millions of javascript types

Answered by brazilnew786


The string data type is used to represent textual data (i.e. sequences of characters). Strings are created using single or double quotes surrounding one or more characters, as shown below:

The Number Data Type

The number data type is used to represent positive or negative numbers with or without decimal place, or numbers written using exponential notation e.g. 1.5e-4 (equivalent to 1.5x10-4). The Number data type also includes some special values which are: Infinity, -Infinity and NaN. Infinity represents the mathematical Infinity ∞, which is greater than any number. Infinity is the result of dividing a nonzero number by 0, as demonstrated below:

The Boolean Data Type

The Boolean data type can hold only two values: true or false. It is typically used to store values like yes (true) or no (false), on (true) or off (false), etc. as demonstrated below:

Boolean values also come as a result of comparisons in a program. The following example compares two variables and shows the result in an alert dialog box:

The Undefined Data Type

The undefined data type can only have one value-the special value undefined. If a variable has been declared, but has not been assigned a value, has the value undefined.

The Null Data Type

This is another special data type that can have only one value-the null value. A null value means that there is no value. It is not equivalent to an empty string ("") or 0, it is simply nothing.

A variable can be explicitly emptied of its current contents by assigning it the null value.

The Object Data Type

The object is a complex data type that allows you to store collections of data.

An object contains properties, defined as a key-value pair. A property key (name) is always a string, but the value can be any data type, like strings, numbers, booleans, or complex data types like arrays, function and other objects. You'll learn more about objects in upcoming chapters.

The following example will show you the simplest way to create an object in JavaScript.

The Array Data Type

An array is a type of object used for storing multiple values in single variable. Each value (also called an element) in an array has a numeric position, known as its index, and it may contain data of any data type-numbers, strings, booleans, functions, objects, and even other arrays. The array index starts from 0, so that the first array element is arr[0] not arr[1].

The simplest way to create an array is by specifying the array elements as a comma-separated list enclosed by square brackets, as shown in the example below:

The Function Data Type

The function is callable object that executes a block of code. Since functions are objects, so it is possible to assign them to variables, as shown in the example below:

The typeof Operator

The typeof operator can be used to find out what type of data a variable or operand contains. It can be used with or without parentheses (typeof(x) or typeof x).

The typeof operator is particularly useful in the situations when you need to process the values of different types differently, but you need to be very careful, because it may produce unexpected result in some cases, as demonstrated in the following example:

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