Biology, asked by tiyasha3, 1 year ago

what are lipids??????


Answered by Anonymous
hiiii friend!!!
 a lipid is a substance of biological origin that is soluble in nonpolar solvents. It comprises a group of naturally occurring molecules that include fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, and phospholipids.
i think it may help u!!!
Answered by BrainlyRacer


⇒ Lipids are two types - simple e.g. fat and oil. And second one is compound i.e. lecithin, glycolipid.

⇒ Provides two times more energy (9 kcal/g) than carbohydrates.

⇒ Fat is the major stored food kept in adipose tissue.

⇒ Stored food is used as fuel when glucose is not available.

Lipase enzyme digests fats and break it into fatty acids and glycerol.

⇒ There are two types of fatty acid - first one is saturated which is solid at room temperature and second one is unsaturated fat which is liquid at room temperature.

⇒ Our diet contain less saturated fats like butter and ghee ,etc in comparison to unsaturated fats like simple vegetable oil.

⇒ Excess of saturated fats in diet may lead to heart attack as they increase blood cholesterol and higher level of cholesterol is responsible for hypercholestrocemia.

⇒ Human diet should have more unsaturated fatty acid as that are not synthesized in the body itself. Such fatty acid are called essential fatty acid like linoleic acid.

⇒ Fat function as a cushion and shock absorber for eye ball, gonads, kidney, etc.

Excess of lipids causes obesity, blood pressure and a number of cardiac problems.

⇒ Daily requirement of an adult is 50 g.

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