English, asked by actgopinathgmailcom, 1 year ago

what are material noun


Answered by bipandeep
Definition of Material NounMaterial noun can be defined as “Material Noun are names of materials or substances out of which things are made. Ex: gold, iron, silver etc.”What is Material NounMaterial noun is the name given to the material, substance or things made up of alloy. It refers to the type of substance insteadof individual particles of the substance. Material nouns are not countable means we cannot count them because they are in the forms of liquid, semi-liquid or solid. This noun is especially called as material noun because nouns in this class are almost materials like cloth, air, metal, gold, salt, iron, silver, steel, brass, bronze, copper, aluminium, lead, coal, coral, gem, diamond, glass, fibre, calcium, plastic, rubber, paper, cement, paint, plywood, synthetics, shampoo, soap, perfume, wine, tar,chemical, rexene etc. Sometimes we cannot make the plural forms of material noun.Some of the material nouns are used as the count nouns, for example; 'wine' as one may talk about different wines, type of wine instead of the substance of wine. So, here we can say that wine is not a material noun as type of wine is countable. We can say that material nouns are common nouns as they denote substances instead of denoting people or places.
Answered by astha16
A material or a substance that refers to a material or substance from which things are made such as gold,silver,cotton etc...... are known as material noun.
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