what are medullated nerve fibres
⭕a nerve fiber encased in a sheath of myelin. myelinated nerve fiber.nerve fiber, nerve fibre - a threadlike extension of a nerve cell.
⭕The layers form the myelin sheath, which speeds the conduction of nerve impulses along the nerve fiber.
⭕Myelin sheath is made up of lipids and proteins and is white in appearance. Because of this, white matter gains its colour.
⭕It consists of cental axial cylinder- Neuraxis-the axon of a neuron.
It's another term for “myelinated nerve.”
Myelin is a lipid-rich (fatty) substance that surrounds nerve cell axons (the nervous system’s wires) to insulate them and increase the rate at which information (encoded as electrical impulses) is passed along the axon. The myelinated axon can be likened to an electrical wire (the axon) with insulating material (myelin) around it.