what are operands ? name the forms of operators depending upon the operand.
An operator is the 'function' that performs the operation, whereas the operand is the input to that function. In the expression 3 + 4 = 7, the operator is '+' - since it's telling us how to perform the operation - and the operands are 3 and 4 - the inputs upon which the operation is acting.
In computers, an operand is the part of a computer instruction that specifies data that is to be operating on or manipulated and, by extension, the data itself. Basically, a computer instruction describes an operation (add, subtract, and so forth) and the operand or operands on which the operation is to be performed.
- Operators play a key role in every calculation that computers carry out. It is necessary to comprehend them to comprehend program behavior and to resolve program-related issues. Because they carry out well-known functions and are simple to comprehend, we can swiftly cover a wide range of operators. We must cover other operators in more depth since they carry out uncommon activities or behave unexpectedly.
- The majority of operators are made up of just one or two letters (=, +, *, =, or ==; note that spaces between two-character operators are not permitted), but other operators are made up of an entire word.
- Operators are symbols that tell the computer to carry out a single, straightforward operation ( new or return ). Expressions of values that an operator acts or operates on are known as operands.
1) 2 + 5 2) A + B 3) 2 * A + 5 * B 4) M_PI * pow(A + B, 2)
- Examples of operators and operands. The symbols that appear on either side of the arithmetic operators + and * are known as operands. All three types of operands—constants, variables, and function return values—can be combined to produce expressions.
- Operands might be fixed values.
- Variables might be an operator.
- In this example, the operands are 2, A, 5, and B, which are * operands, whereas 2 * A and 5 * B are + operands.
- A non-void function's return value can also be used as an operand.
Number of Operands
- Operators are characterized by the number of operands that they require. Most operators require one or two operands, but C++ does have one operator that requires three.
Unary Operators
- Unary operators only require one operand. Most of the time the operand is placed to the right of the operator but sometimes it is placed to the left. The most common example is the unary minus: ‑N, which changes the sign of the value stored in variable N.
Binary Operators
- Binary operators require two operands. The arithmetic operators are the most familiar examples of binary operators. The assignment operator is also common. For example:
- A = counter + 5;
- "counter" and "5" are the "+" operator's operands, and "A" and the value of the expression "counter + 5" are the "=" operator's operands. Note that the above example ends with a semicolon, which also makes it an example of a statement (specifically, an assignment statement).
Ternary Operator
- The single C++ ternary operator is the conditional operator, which is formed with two symbols and requires three operands:
- op1 ? op2 : op3
- The conditional operator is described in detail later in this chapter.
- Operators are categorized by the number of operands. We can easily categorize operands by the number of operands that they require.