Social Sciences, asked by rajeshchaurasia402, 2 months ago

what are our responsibillities towards plants and animals व्हाट आर द रिस्पांसिबिलिटीज टुवर्ड्स प्लांट्स एंड एनिमल्स ​


Answered by arnabdutta63


The conservation of endangered species is important for humans as well. A well-balanced ecosystem purifies the environment, giving us clean air to breathe, a healthy water system to support diverse marine life, and arable land for agricultural production. ... When ecosystems fail, our own health is at risk.

They give us milk and meat which is necessary for growth in our body. 2)Cow dung is used in planting and makes our plants grow with more nutrients. 3)The give us horns which are used for musical instruments.

Respect the environment, making rational use of natural resources and taking steps to prevent pollution from the different processes involved in our industrial operations. ... Promote the sustainable use of raw materials and natural resources.

Plants/trees play a very important role in our life. They fulfil our food, fodder fuel, timber, fibre and medicinal needs. Plants/trees are helpful in mitigation of environmental pollution.

Answered by atulguptanehrunagar1


We need to protect them and treat them well


we need to do so because they are creatures who are very pure and harmless and really essential for our planet earth and they as well need protection. For plants, u can water them and keep them safe from strong winds for them not to die and for animals, u can give them shelter and food and they surely will show their loyalty.... If u see an animal having some kind of problem (wounds) then please either call a concerned organization or take them to an animal's doctor (vet)

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