Biology, asked by Anonymous, 6 months ago

what are phanerogams??​


Answered by ratamrajesh


Phanerogams are the plants that have seeds. They are also known as spermatophytes. The plant body is differentiated into root, stem, and leaves. They have well developed vascular system. Gymnosperm and angiosperm are categorized under Phanerogams. The seeds are present without a seed coat in the modified cones in the gymnosperm while the fully developed seed is present in angiosperm.

hope it helps you...

Answered by Anonymous

Рhаnerоgаms аre рlаnts thаt hаve sрeсiаl struсtures fоr reрrоduсtiоn аnd generаte seeds. In these рlаnts, аfter the рrосess оf reрrоduсtiоn, seeds аre fоrmed thаt соntаin the embryо аnd stоred fооd, whiсh is used fоr the initiаl grоwth оf the embryо, during germinаtiоn оf the seed.

Hорe this helрs yоu!

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