What are phytohormones name various phytohormones with their functions?
responsible for plants growth
1) abscisic acid
2) cytokinin
What are the main functions of plant hormones?
Originally Answered: What are the function of plant hormone?
Plant Hormones are the plant growth regulators. They require in small amount but necessary for functioning of Plants.
There are several Plant Hormones classes, namely, Auxin, Cytokinin, Gibberellin, Abscisic Acid, Ethylene.
Here are the functions of plant hormones in short.
Functions of Auxin : Cell enlargement, apical dominance, prevention from bending; promote xylem differentiation, healing of wounds of plants.
Applications of Auxin include - root initiation in callus during plant tissue culture, application of auxins to induce parthenocarpy etc.
Function of Cytokinin : promote cell division, apical dominance, delay in senescenes ( aging ), phloem transport, accumulation of salts in cells, production of female flowers, increase resistance to extreme temperatures and diseases.
Applications of Cytokinin include - stem initiation in callus during plant tissue culture, disease resistant varieties in genetically modified crops
Functions of Gibberellin : promote increase in fruit size, inter-nodal elongation, seed germination
Applications of Gibberellin include - dose of Giibberellin during parthenocarpy, production of male flowers on genetically female plants, breaking dormancy of seed, bud, tuber etc.
Functions of Abscisic Acid : abscission of leaves, reduce transpiration, inhibit cambium activity, bud dormancy in seed during winter, seed development and maturation, induce flowering in some SDPs, synthesis of carotenoids in green organs
Functions of Ethylene : inhibit stem elongation; promote fruit ripening, increase girth of stem, speed of senescence, abscission of leaves
Applications of Ethylene - artificial ripening of fruits, sprouting of storage organs.