Biology, asked by mohit32155, 1 year ago

what are plastids and what are the different types of plastids?​


Answered by TanujaBalodhi


plastids are present only in plant cells there are two types of plastids chromoplasts colour plastids and leucoplast white are colourless plastids chromoplast containing the pigment chlorophyll are known as chloroplasts chloroplast are important for photosynthesis in plants chloroplast contain various yellow orange pigments in addition to chlorophyll leucoplasts are primarily organelles and which materials are stars on protein granules are stored

Answered by MrChauhan96



\small\text{what are plastids and what are the}\\{\small\text{different types of plastids?}}




\small\text{Plastids - Plastids are the past of plant}\\{\small\text{cell. They have their own generic material.}}\\{\small\text{The are responsible for storing and}}\\{\small\text{ manufacturing of food by the process}}\\{\small\text{of photosynthesis.}}


\small\text{There are three types of plastids.}\\{\small\text{They are :-}}







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