Social Sciences, asked by imtheyas, 1 year ago

what are powers of the president given by article 48 five Mark


Answered by kumaaarx
Executive powers

As per Article 53, the executive power of the country is vested in the President and is exercised by President either directly or through officers subordinate to him in accordance with the Constitution. Union cabinet with Prime Minister as its head, should aid and advice the President in performing his functions. As per Article 74 (2), the council of ministers or Prime Minister are not accountable legally to the advise tendered to the President but it is the sole responsibility of the President to ensure compliance with the constitution in performing his duties.

Appointment powers

The President appoints, as Prime Minister, the person most likely to command the support of the majority in the Lok Sabha (usually the leader of the majority party or coalition). The President then appoints the other members of the Council of Ministers, distributing portfolios to them on the advice of the Prime Minister.

The Council of Ministers remains in power at the 'pleasure' of the President.

The President appoints 12 members of the Rajya Sabha from amongst persons who have special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters as literature, science, art and social service.

The President is responsible for making a wide variety of appointments. These include:

Governors of StatesThe Chief Justice, other judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts of IndiaThe Chief Minister of the National capital territory of Delhi (Article 239 AA 5 of the constitution)The Attorney GeneralThe Comptroller and Auditor GeneralThe Chief Election Commissioner and other Election CommissionersThe Chairman and other Members of the Union Public Service CommissionVice Chancellor of the central university and academic staff of the central university through his nomineeAmbassadors and High Commissioners to other countries (only through the list of names given by the Prime Minister).

Financial powers

A money bill can be introduced in the Parliament only with the President’s recommendation.The President lays the Annual Financial Statement, i.e. the Union budget, before the Parliament.The President can take advances out of the Contingency Fund of India to meet unforeseen expenses.The President constitutes a Finance commission after every five years to recommend the distribution of the taxes between the centre and the States.

Judicial powers

The President appoints the Chief Justice of the Union Judiciary and other judges on the advice of the Chief Justice. He dismisses the judges if and only if the two Houses of the Parliament pass resolutions to that effect by a two-thirds majority of the members present.

According to Article 143 of Indian Constitution, if the President considers a question of law or a matter of public importance has arisen, he can ask for the advisory opinion of the Supreme Court.

Diplomatic powers

All international treaties and agreements are negotiated and concluded on behalf of the President.

However, in practice, such negotiations are usually carried out by the Prime Minister along with his Cabinet (especially the Foreign Minister). Also, such treaties are subject to the approval of the Parliament. The President represents India in international forums and affairs where such a function is chiefly ceremonial. The President may also send and receive diplomats, i.e. the officers from the Indian Foreign Service.

Answered by Anonymous
Main aim of the Article 48 was to check any Revolution of the kind that established Communist State in Russia.
President could assume certain powers
He could suspend civil liberties .
The powers under article 48 were misused by Hitler.
The president Hindenburg signed according to the wishes of Hitler and that led to dictatorial rule of Hitler on Germany.
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