what are probiotic food are famous
Food products including kefir, cultured vegetables (kimchi and sauerkraut), kombucha, coconut kefir, natto (fermented soybeans), yogurt, kvass (a fermented beverage) and raw cheese are rich in probiotics.
10 Probiotic-Rich Foods That Aren't Yogurt
These foods are quite tasty — and also a boon for your gut's health.
By Christabel Lobo
February 11, 2020
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One trip to the grocery store and you're quickly reminded that probiotics, one of the latest trends to hit the wellness industry, are everywhere. The probiotic message seems to be sinking in: Foods rich in these bacteria can provide a bounty of benefits for your gut health. From supplements to probiotic shots, the market is expanding as consumers are taking seriously the potential link between the microbiome (that is the organisms living in your body) and overall health.
But we cannot talk probiotics without mentioning the foods that are naturally rich in them: fermented foods. Before the ease of modern refrigeration techniques, cooks used fermentation to preserve foods. Fermentation is the chemical process of breaking down sugars in foods (by bacteria and yeast) to keep them for longer periods.
Today, fermented foods that contain live cultures of microorganisms, AKA probiotics, are all the rage for the health benefits they possess. Probiotics are essential for improving gut health and the process of digestion. A recent review published in Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology indicates that there may also be links between the use of probiotics and the prevention of anxiety and depression.
Fermented Foods and Probiotics
The probiotics present in fermented foods vary from one food to the next. The most common, however, are the micro-organisms that belong to Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces boulardii, and Bifidobacterium groups.
But, before you go and purchase some beer and wine (they are fermented, after all) in the hopes of increasing your probiotic intake, know that probiotics may not be present in all fermented foods. According to Harvard Health Publishing, beer and wine remove the probiotics before bottling. High heat during baking and canning inactivates micro-organisms, as does pickling with acids like vinegar.
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