what are problems associated with depletion of forest resources?
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The National Geographic calls deforestation a modern-day plague. The world’s rain forests could disappear in 100 years if deforestation continues at the current rate. More than 30 million acres of forests and woodlands are lost every year due to deforestation. Trees are critical to the planet, as they help purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and serve a vital role in counteracting the greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. Forests promote biodiversity and are home to over half the species on the planet. Their canopies shelter wildlife while protecting the soil from the sun’s rays, torrential rains and erosion. Planting trees to replace those lost through agriculture, lumber mills and burning does not replace the biodiversity of forests. A forest is a living family comprised of animate and inanimate members that function together in biologic diversity.
Deforestation is a concern that has prompted many nonprofit groups, including the Sierra Club, the World Wildlife Fund, the Nature Conservancy and the Environmental Defense Fund, to work to save the forests and proactively reforest where possible.
This article throws light upon the eleven main reasons for depletion of forests. The reasons are: 1. Human Settlement 2. Conversion into Arable Land 3. Lumbering 4. Development Projects 5. Jhum Cultivation and Fuel Wood Collection 6. Fragmentation 7. Climatic Change 8. Pollution 9. Drought 10. Nutrient Loss 11. Forest Fires.
Reason # 1. Human Settlement:
During the Christian era, first 1800 years witnessed the growth of 1 billion human population. But in next 200 years, human population astonishingly increased to a staggering 6 billion! So, for the increasing need of human settlement, the forest area that remains within many countries is a fraction of what it was before human settlement.
Reason # 2. Conversion into Arable Land:
Ever since the beginning of human civilization, more than half of the virgin forest cover have been converted to agricultural land, pastures and livestock ranches.
Reason # 3. Lumbering:
It is considered to be one of the greatest threat to forest protection. Organized lumbering syndicates mostly violate the norms of wood-cutting for more profit within a short span, ignoring WHO guidelines.
Reason # 4. Development Projects:
For economic development of the region, different developmental projects like urbanization, industrialization, irrigational projects, flood control measures are undertaken by governments. For this purpose, large parts of forests are either cleared or destroyed completely.
Reason # 5. Jhum Cultivation and Fuel Wood Collection:
Shifting cultivation is one of the greatest reason for forest destruction, particularly in the hill areas. For agricultural practice, indiscriminate burning of forests accelerate deforestation for several decades. Wood collection for domestic cooking is another major threat to forests and ultimately leads to deforestation.