what are programs created on your local computer when you visit website to record your activity performed
Use Activity Monitor for monitoring users on their workstations (computers/laptops/Windows tablets) in your organization. Monitored workstations can be connected on a Local Area Network (LAN) or in a remote office with VPN connection.
If you’re running terminal servers with either Windows Remote Desktop Services or Citrix XenApp, then you need SoftActivity TS Monitor. For monitoring users on a Windows Server OS you need TS Monitor product.
Q: How much can computer monitoring really save my company?
A: We’ve seen customers achieve hundreds of thousands of dollars in payroll savings and other efficiencies over several years. If Activity Monitor or TS Monitor helps you identify and retrain or replace even one non-performing employee, your firm can easily see value of tens of thousands of dollars.
Q: Is computer monitoring software easy to use?
A: Our products give you a simple dashboard that lets you view computers on your network with just a few clicks. If you’ve ever used any kind of business software before, you’ll get the hang of Activity Monitor very quickly.
Macro are programs that are created on your local computer when you visit websites