what are public interest pressure groups name of cepter
Public interest pressure groups are
groups which seek to promote the interest of the people in general and look after common objectives for their betterment. They are also known as promotional groups because they promote collective rather than selective good.
groups which seek to promote the interest of the people in general and look after common objectives for their betterment. They are also known as promotional groups because they promote collective rather than selective good.i. They aim to help people and take up issues relating to them.
groups which seek to promote the interest of the people in general and look after common objectives for their betterment. They are also known as promotional groups because they promote collective rather than selective good.i. They aim to help people and take up issues relating to them.ii. They even take up issues which may not benefit the members of the group.
groups which seek to promote the interest of the people in general and look after common objectives for their betterment. They are also known as promotional groups because they promote collective rather than selective good.i. They aim to help people and take up issues relating to them.ii. They even take up issues which may not benefit the members of the group.iii. They fight for social justice and social equality. Example: BAMCEF (Backward and Minority Communities Employees Federation)