What are pygmies lived in the dense forest of Zaire??
Today the African rainforest is home to some of the most celebrated traditional tribal peoples, the so-called "Pygmies" of the Ituri forest in northern Congo. ... The tallest of these people, known as the Mbuti, rarely exceed five feet (1.5 m).
hope it helps
Most pygmy communities are partially hunter-gatherers, living partially but not exclusively on the wild products of their environment. They trade with neighbouring farmers to acquire cultivated foods and other material items; no group lives deep in the forest without access to agricultural products
Today the African rainforest is home to some of the most celebrated traditional tribal peoples, the so-called "Pygmies" of the Ituri forest in northern Congo. ... The tallest of these people, known as the Mbuti, rarely exceed five feet (1.5 m)