What are real and virtual images? How will you find2. out whether an image is real or virtual? Can a virtualprincipal image be obtained on a screen?
Real and virtual images
1. Real image:
When light rays get reflected or refracted from a mirror or lens, the rays of light meet at a single point after converging.
Such image is called a real image.
A real image appears inverted on the screen.
2. Virtual image:
When light rays reflected or refracted from a mirror of lens appear to be coming from backside of the mirror or lens or they diverge, the image formed is virtual image.
A virtual image appears erect on the screen.
3. A real image can be obtained on a screen.
4. A virtual image cannot be obtained on a screen.
5. By doing a practical, we can find out whether an image is real or virtual.
Additional Information:
1. Nature of image formed by convex lens:
Position of the object & Nature of image
1. At infinity → Real and inverted
2. Beyond 2F₁ → Real and inverted
3. At 2F₁ → Real and inverted
4. Between F₁ and 2F₁ → Real and inverted
5. At focus F₁ → Real and inverted
6. Between F₁ and O → Virtual and erect
2. Nature of image formed by concave lens:
Position of the object & Nature of image
1. At infinity → Virtual and erect
2. Anywhere between O and
infinity → Virtual and erect
F₁ → First focus of lens
O → Optical centre of lens