what are recommendations and solutions for the drought problem in the eastern cape
Cape Town has three main options to augment its water supply in times of drought, with the first being the large aquifers in the City and Cape Flats regions: The Cape Flats aquifer, the Table Mountain aquifer and the Atlantis aquifer.
The author commends the environmental concern,which the inquirer brings to the fore.
The challenge of water-shortage …impacts the whole of mankind-more so us Africans on the African continent.
Irrespective of skin-hue,race religion or class ,we need to collectively pool our .engineering talent
.intellectual resources
international connections
and unique ubuntu social cohesion to tackle the problem of drought.
One practical solution easy to implement is to deepen our existing dams.
If and when it rains we thus can garner more water.
Another solution is to create more catchment areas to prevent rain -run-off .