Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

What are retroperitoneal organs?


Answered by Anonymous

Hello Friend..!!

The answer of u r question is..!!

Retroperitoneal organs:

Certain organs of the vertebrates are covered by peritoneal peritoneum only on their ventral side such organism called retroperitoneal organs .


Kidneys are the example of retroperitoneal organs.

Thank you..!!

Answered by bhanuprakashreddy23


  1. The retroperitoneal space is bounded by the posterior parietal peritoneum anteriorly and the lumbar spine posteriorly.
  2. The retroperitoneal space contains the kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, nerve roots, lymph nodes, abdominal aorta, and inferior vena cava.
  3. The retroperitoneal (or lumbar) lymph nodes are the regional lymph nodes for the organs of the retroperitoneal space, and also for the testes, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus (which are embryologically derived from the retroperitoneum).
  4. The retroperitoneal nodes are divided by the aorta and inferior vena cava into three groups: those lying to the left of the aorta (left para-aortic or left lumbar group), those lying between the aorta and inferior vena cava (interaortocaval or intermediate lumbar group), and those lying to the right of the inferior vena cava (right paracaval or right lumbar group).
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