What are similarities in the case study of Ladakh and Netherlands?
Case study of traditional agriculture
A case study of Nederland:
It identifies the protection of the Netherlands against the consequences of climate change and flooding.
This makes it climate-proof over the very long term,and to safeguard the fresh water supply.
But the task at hand involved more issues further than just flood protection, so the new Delta programme for protection against climatic change also contains a vision for long time planning and further study on the following:
• working,
• agriculture,
• nature,
• recreation,
• landscape, and
• infrastructure and energy.the case study of Ladakh: is a region officially was closed to foreign tourists until 1974.
Peripheral communities of Ladakh have substantially grown in size and population over recent time.
Farming and agriculture remain dominant sources of income for many common men.
Opportunities for supplemental forms of employment, in government and tourism industry, are seen a tendency of growth.
Location map of Ladakh and case study sites more closely examining the role of locality and geographic context function in shaping the Ladakh community.
To examine the response to climate change, two distinct research sites were selected in Ladakh.
The two comparative study sites are made representative.
Case studies of a rural setting located in Domkhar Valley, and an urban environment located in Ladakh’s capital of Leh.
In focusing on Domkhar as an indicative rural mountain location and Leh as a more urbanized population center.cloudburst in August 2010, which resulted in extensive damage to local properties, infrastructure, and households.
As a result, these incidences have left a lasting impression in the Ladakhi social psyche regarding climate change potential and extreme weather events.