What are smogs ? How classical and photochemical smogs different ?
The “smog” is a “mixture” of “smoke” and “fog”. There are “two types” of smog i) “classical smog” and ii) “photochemical smog”
Classical smog:
i) It is formed by the reaction of humidity and present in the air
ii) It is formed during winter days in the morning while the temperature is very low
iii) It is reducing in character and produces lung cancer
Photochemical smog:
i) It is formed as a “result” of photochemical reaction. When air contains and hydrocarbon
ii) It is formed during summer days in the bright sunlight when temperature is high
iii) It is oxidizing in character and irritate eyes
Smog is a type of air pollution. It is a blend of smoke and fog. Smog is classified into classical smog and photochemical smog.
Classical smog occurs in a cool, humid climate. Its components include smoke, fog and sulphur dioxide. It is reducing in nature.
Photochemical smog occurs in a dry, sunny climate. Its components are PAN, acrolein, ozone, formaldehyde, nitric oxide. It is oxidizing in nature.