Political Science, asked by lachimolala2501, 1 day ago

what are some conflicts between judiciary and parliament?
please give an answer in about 100-150 words please​


Answered by swathikachandhalaswa


despotisms arbitrariness. Hence, SOP acts as a means of checks and balances to uphold the human liberty and to ensure the enroth and fair governance.

SOP in Indian content.

(1) In India, president can performe judicial and legisla-> -tory functions like ordinances issuing and giving pardon

to convicted criminals.

(2) Judiciary can perform administrative and legislatory. functions like in 2010, BC has directed the government) to issue food grains and in Visakha case, it issued. guidelines on sexual harassment.

(3) Parliament can performe judiciary functions like. Eg: Impeach of president (bath houses have to participate).

success in India India is a large and diverse country. Hence) coordination of three organs is necessary to run a respon

-sible government. In Keshavananda Bharathi Case, SC has ruled that amending power of constitution is upheld until it doesn't breach the basic structure of

the constitution, thus keeping a check on legislature. but at the same time, legislature can impeach an Sc judge by following constitutional procedure.

Even though, Indian constitution has not mentioned sop in the document. it is upheld as basic structure of the constitution by se in many rulings and it is necessary to uphold the integrity & liberty of every citizen.

Answered by mayank8863923323


In case where the law made by the Parliament transgresses the limitations imposed by the Constitution then the judiciary can strike down such law as unconstitutional.” It is thus one of the first cases wherein the Supreme Court recognized the power of judicial review.

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