what are some things you shouldnot do when you are feeling very emotional??......please tell appropriate answer .....otherwise i will report..
14 Things to Avoid When Feeling Depressed
1. Telling yourself that you shouldn’t feel this way. This is invalidating and it only makes things worse. Yes, you may have a lot of good things in your life. And yes, you may not understand why you feel the way you feel. But you do feel this way. Denying your feelings or even worse, getting mad at yourself for having them, makes you feel worse about yourself and increases depression. Instead, accept that you are not feeling well and then begin doing things that will lead you to eventually feeling better.
2. Isolating yourself for days. When we are feeling depressed, whether the depression is mild, moderate, or severe, we have a tendency to isolate ourselves from other people. We don’t feel like we would be very good company feeling the way we do, and we really don’t have the desire or energy to do anything anyway. Depression leads us to isolate and isolation leads to more depression. No matter how bad we feel, we must force ourselves to seek support even if we want to close the blinds and go back to sleep.
3. Drinking alcohol. Drowning your sorrows in alcohol won’t heal the problem and it just might make it a lot worse. Turning to alcohol or any other addiction during rough times will actually stop the healing process. We must feel to heal and if we cover our feelings up with a substance, we are actually adding another problematic layer to something that we need to resolve. We also need to remember that alcohol is a depressant which is the last thing we need when we are already feeling down.
4. Listening to sad music or going to see a sad movie. No matter how much you like the song or have been wanting to see the movie, sad music, books, and movies will intensify depression. When you are feeling sad opt for a comedy or something empowering and inspirational. The comedy will give you a little bit of a distraction and the inspirational choice will increase your hope and do something positive for your hurting heart.
5. Staying inside all day. Depression will steal your energy, zap your motivation, and make you want to stay inside your home. You must fight the urge to stay inside all day. Going outside, getting some fresh air, and taking a walk can get you feeling a little bit better- no matter how much your depression tries to pull you in a different direction.
6. Thinking about the things going wrong in your life. Catch yourself! Stop yourself! Don’t do this! This is depressive thinking and you have to challenge it. Don’t judge your feelings, but do keep a gratitude journal where you record the blessings in your life.
7. Focusing on the past. We all reminisce about the past from time to time. Reminiscing is not a bad thing and can actually bring a smile to our face. But when we spend a lot of time ruminating on a painful past we create more pain in our present.
8. Feeling sorry for yourself. Sitting at home muttering “why me?” will only spiral you down. Instead, accept where you are and figure out what you can do to improve your situation.
9. Having little compassion for yourself. Treating yourself with compassion is not the same thing as wallowing in self-pity. Self-pity is not compassion at all. When you treat yourself with compassion you empower yourself. You stop judging yourself harshly and you start being kind to you. Self-compassionate people hold themselves accountable for their actions and treat themselves with kindness at the same time. Self-compassionate people take care of themselves, forgive themselves, and refuse to give up on themselves.
10. Falling into the all or none trap. Watch out for the words “always” and “never” because they usually aren’t an accurate description. All or none thinking often increases depression. If you convince yourself that you “always” fail or that you will “never” feel better again, things will not improve. Challenge all or none thinking and look for times when the “always” and the “never” did not apply.
11. Forgetting that this, too, shall pass. When you are feeling bad it can feel like it will last forever. Remembering that your situation is temporary can help you get to the other side and begin to feel better. Sometimes you may want to seek professional help to give you the support and the positive tools you need to speed up the recovery process.
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Somethings we shouldn't do when we are feeling emotional are :
. we should not making any weak decision.
. we should not be depressed.
. we are unable to handle or deal with the situation it's already to ask for help.
. It is not good to through our emotions.
Thank you
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