what are steps taken by pri to win election in maxico
(1CO State S results are the mos
ortant, partly because of its enormous
(it accounts for 13.5% of the country's
n citizens), but also because its outgoing
ernor, Enrique Pefa Nieto, is the man
t likely to carry the flag for the PRI in the
idential election next year. Mr Pefla won
ico state's governorship in 2005 with
under half the vote; the PRI's sharply
eased share yesterday is a strong
orsement of his time in charge.
nishingly, the PRI's share of the vote
e yesterday was slightly higher than in
governor's election of 1993, at which
1t Mexico was still considered more or
a one-party state.
The steps taken by PRI to win elections in Mexico are:-
1)Government employees have to attend the party and meetings.
2)Government school teachers are forced to make the parents vote for PRI.
3)Media clearly ignored the actions of the opposition party
4)Polling booths were shifted at the last minute so that people can't vote against PRI.