Economy, asked by sexygirlnatasha, 1 year ago

what are the 2 types of marketting ​

wokipoki143: dp
wokipoki143: which cls r u
Nivashni2505: hiiii
danush2002: hii
danush2002: what's is happening
danush2002: ✌❤
Nivashni2505: hiii danush
Nivashni2505: solluda
danush2002: hii


Answered by Nivashni2505
There are different types of marketing strategies available. ... Business to business (B2B) marketing. 2. Business to consumer (B2C) marketing

The following are examples of what your overall business aim might be, and marketing strategies that you could use to achieve it:

Increase sales.

Bring in new customers.

Get existing customers to buy more.

Introduce a new product or service.

Increase market share.

Better establish your brand.

Improve customer loyalty.

danush2002: enga
sexygirlnatasha: hey guys
sexygirlnatasha: no need
Nivashni2505: no more comments
Nivashni2505: danush poi solladha unnaku aal iruku appadi thane
wokipoki143: hi guys
danush2002: illa
Answered by Anonymous

1.Business to business (B2B) marketing. 

2. Business to consumer (B2C) marketing.

sexygirlnatasha: TX
sexygirlnatasha: bol
sexygirlnatasha: nope
sexygirlnatasha: ohk then
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