what are the 4 periods of population growth
Explanation:Human Population Growth
How many people do you think the human population grows by each year? Maybe one million? Ten million? More? As of 2012, over 80 million people were added to the human population each year. To give you perspective, this would be equivalent to the populations of California, Texas and New York combined. On a shorter scale, we add 2.6 people to the population every second! This would mean that each day you could fill two large football stadiums with the number of people that were added to the human population.
As of 2013, the human population is around 7 billion people, and it has taken many years for the population to grow to this size. Over this long amount of time, some periods have had slow growth while others have had more rapid growth. Due to these fluctuations and how large the human population has become, scientists have begun to investigate the growth of the human population.
Demography is the study of the size, density and distribution of the human population. This area of study takes into account birth rates, death rates, age distribution and any other factors that influence the size and growth of a population. Demographers have identified three distinct periods of human population growth that help explain the history of how our population has changed.