What are the 7 Brahma Avatars?And what Avatar in Mahabharat?
Krishna, Buddha." Most draw from the following set of figures, in this order: Matsya; Kurma; Varaha; Narasimha; Vamana; Parashurama; Rama; Krishna or Balarama; Buddha or Krishna; and Kalki. In traditions that omit Krishna, he often replaces Vishnu as the source of all avatars.
Avatar in Mahabharat are
The following is a list of the avatars of epic Mahabharata and the original devatas or the deities whose avatars or portions they were of.
CharacterAvatar/Portion ofAbhimanyuVarchas, son of Chandra and RohiniArjunaPortion of IndraAshwatthamaPortion of ShivaBabruvahanaTvastaBalaramaAvatar of Ananta SheshaBarbarikaYakshaBhimaPortion of VayuBhishmaPrabhasa (Vasu of the Star)BhurisravasPortion of ShukraChandravarmaAsura ChandraChitrangadāUpasrutiDantavakraVijayaDevakiAditiDhrishtadyumnaPortion of Agni and rebirth of EklavyaDhristaketuAnuhlda, brother of PrahladaDhritarasthraHansa, the son of ArishtaDraupadireincarnation of Shachi and portion of Agni[1]DronaBrihaspatiDrupadaOne of MarutsDurvasaShivaDuryodhanaAvatar of Kali (demon)EklavyaOne of KrodhavasasHanumanAvatar of Lord ShivaGandhariMatiIravanVacchi, son of Chandra and RevatiJambvatiNeeladevi form of LakshmiJarasandhaViprachitti[3]JayadrathaDurmukhi, the lord of tarnado and dark cloudsKamsaKalanemi[4]KarnaPortion of Surya[5]KrathaRahuKripaOne of the RudrasKripiTaraKrishnaAvatar of VishnuKritavarmaOne of MarutsKuntiSiddhiMadriDhritiNakulaPortion of AshvinsNandaDasharatha (Ramayan)Paundraka VasudevaVenaPradyumnaKamadevaRadhaHerselfRevatiJyotishamatiRohiniKadru, mother of NagasRukmiOne of KrodhavasasRukminiMahalakshmi[1]SahadevaPortion of AshvinsSahtanikaMitraSatrajitParjanyaSatyabhamaBhumideviSatyakiOne of MarutsSatyavatiAchchhodaShalvaAjakaShalyaSanhlda, brother of PrahladaShakuniDvapara YugaShantanuMahabhishaShikhandiAmbaShishupalaJayaSons of GangaVasusSubhadraReincarnation of Trijata or YogmayaUgrasenaSwarbhanuUlupiMayaUpamanyuOne of Pitru DevatasUpapandavasVisvadevasUsha (daughter of Banasura)TilottamaUttamaujas and YudhamanyuAmshuman and AryamanVasudevKashyapaViduraYamaYashodaKausalya or Kaikeyi (Ramayan)YudhishthiraPortion of Yama16100 wives of KrishnaApsaras
In some sources Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa is considered as avatar of Lord Vishnu. When, Duryodhana's brother was rebirth of Asuras. The Mahabharata, Skanda Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana and Manava Purana describes some previous births of Mahabhrata characters.[citation