History, asked by Rumaisa5915, 9 months ago

What are the achivements of chandragupta maurya


Answered by uniquethinker


Chandragupta Maurya is one of the most remarkable emperors of the ancient India. Chandragupta was just a street lad playing on the roads. On the first sight, Chanakya decided that he would become a great warrior and empire builder and therefore picked him up from the streets to be reared into the knowledge of warfare, statecraft and economics. The achievements of Chandragupta under the auspices and guidance of Chanakya are noteworthy.

Before the arrival of Chandragupta on the Indian political scene, India was divided into several small kingdoms. The largest of them was the Nanda Empire spread on the Indo-Gangetic planes. Towards the end of his regime, Chandragupta had conquered all the small states on the subcontinent and had consolidated a huge empire spreading over the lengths and breadths of the nation. Chandragupta ruled for about 24 years from 322 BC to 298 BC and renounced the kingdom placing his son Bindusara on the throne and later on embracing ascetic life as a Jain monk.

The only regions that were not conquered by Chandragupta included the three Tamil Kingdoms of Chera, Chola and Pandiya and the Kalinga (present day Odisha). His empire was considered the largest in the Indian History as it extended from Bengal in the East to Baluchistan and Afghanistan in the west; from Kashmir in the north to the Deccan plateau in the south.

In addition to his achievements as an empire builder, Chanakya is also praised for his economic and political reforms that were precedented and set a decisive path for other kinds of new experiments to follow. Chandragupta established a very strong central administration pattern. His empire featured a highly efficient and well organized bureaucratic structure. The civil service of his times was the largest ever known in India before and after him.

The unified nature of his empire assured a steady growth of economy. Agriculture flourished and trade both internal as well as external was prosperous. Chandragupta Maurya made significant contributions to art and architecture by building some remarkable buildings. He too was greatly inspired by the architectural elements of the Achaemenid Empire and the Hellenistic world.

Chandragupta's reign was characterized by a series of religious reforms in India. There was also several social reforms unfolding. The two religions that were born in India namely Jainism and Buddhism found their golden period during his reign. In fact, he was strongly influenced by Jainism and became an ascetic towards the end of his life.

Some references in the Greek and Latin records address him as Sandrokottos and Androcottus. He gained so much popularity in the Hellenistic world by conquering Alexander the Great's easternmost satrapies. He also defeated one of Alexander's successors named Seleucus I Nicator in battle. Later, he married the daughter of Seleucus as a measure of establishing friendship with the Hellenistic Kingdoms.

After placing his son Bindusara on the throne of the Maurya Empire, Chandragupta joined the Jain Sangha and lived the life of an ascetic. He spent his last days fasting in the holy place called Shravanabelagola. Through his awesome achievements, he shines as one of the heroes of ancient India.

Answered by milap080799


Chandragupta Maurya, who founded the Maurya Empire, was one of the most important rulers in the history of India. He is credited for unifying small independent states to form a large single kingdom for the first time under one administration, leaving aside Kalinga and the Tamil regions of Chera, Chola, Satyaputra, and Pandya. He was successful in destroying the Nanda dynasty, which ruled most of northern India, at the young age of 20. Along with his chief advisor and Brahmin scholar, Chanakya, he seized the Macedonian territories and conquered the eastern territories of Alexander’s general Seleucus to add them to his empire. His empire stretched across Kashmir in the north to Deccan Plateau in the south and Afghanistan and Balochistan in the west to Bengal and Assam in the east. Nevertheless, he voluntarily left his throne and accepted Jainism, moving southwards to Karnataka. His grandson, Ashoka, followed his footsteps in completing the pending conquest of Kalinga and Tamil kingdom in 260 BC. While Ashoka was a highly cruel and fierce initially, Chandragupta, on the other hand, was far less bloodthirsty

Childhood & Early Life

Chandragupta Maurya was born in 340 BC in Pataliputra, in modern-day Bihar. His background is, however, uncertain. Some claim that he was born to a Nanda prince and his maid-servant, Mura, from the Shudra caste, while others state that he belonged to the Moriya tribe of Peacock-tamers.

Being a brave and determined leader since childhood, he was very well guided by Chanakya, a great Brahmin scholar of economics and political science at Takshashila University, who later became his mentor.

Accession & Reign

He raised an army with assistance from Chanakya, who went on to become his chief advisor and prime minister after establishing the Maurya Empire.

Chandragupta was able to overcome the Nanda army after a series of battles and finally laid siege of Patliputra, the capital city. The conquest of the Nanda Empire enabled him to lay the foundation of the Maurya Empire in North India at the young age of 20

After Alexander’s death in 323 BC, his empire was divided into three satrapies among his generals, with the Macedonian territories, including Punjab, falling under the control of Seleucus I Nicator.

Since Seleucus was busy on the western borders, Chandragupta took this opportunity to attack and assassinate two Macedonian satrapies, Nicanor of Parthia and Philip, son of Machatas.

After defeating Seleucus, Chandragupta signed a peace treaty with him, according to which he got hold of Punjab in exchange of 500 war elephants.

With most of the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent under his rule, he moved southwards conquering independent Indian states in the Vindhya Range and Deccan Plateau by 300 BC.

While he succeeded in unifying most of the Indian subcontinent, he failed to annex Kalinga (modern-day Odisha) on the east coast and the Tamil kingdom on the southernmost tip, which was eventually done by his grandson, Ashoka.

According to Megasthenes and Strabo, he is believed to have raised an army of 400,000 soldiers, while Pliny reported the figure to be 600,000 foot-soldiers, 30,000 cavalry and 9,000 war elephants.

Major Battles

After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he defeated the forces of Dhana Nanda and his army commander, Bhadrasala, in 321 BC thereby ending the Nanda Dynasty and conquering its capital, Pataliputra.

With a view to further expand his empire, he set his eyes on eastern Persia and successfully invaded it in 305 BC, and captured areas including Hindu Kush, modern-day Afghanistan and Balochistan in Pakistan.



LIFE : Chandergupta Maurya--The founder of Mauryan empire was born in a family of warriors in 340 BC in Patliputra. He was a unique and talented child. Kautalaiya was impressed by him and thus groomed him in warfare. He made a powerful army and lead a campaign with the assistance of Kautaliya and defeated the last ruler of Nanda dynasty and assumed the throne of Maghada in 321. BC.

He was a Jain follower and thus renounced his wealth and power for his son Bindusara. He went to jungles of Shravanabelagola, Karnataka where he died due to fasting, a practice among rains to attain salvation.

Achievements of Chandergupta Maurya :

He made Maghadha a strong empire.

He made a powerful and organized army.

He was also a great administrator. He divided his empire into provinces which were further divided into districts and local self government units.

He conquered various territories and extended his empire up to the South.

He also organized the revenue system and fixed 1/10th of the produce as revenue to the king.

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