What are the adaptation of building against the climatic condition in india
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tools could be revised laws, regulations, policies and management plans, longterm monitoring and reporting schemes for indicator species (plants and animals),
adaptive management, transboundary cooperation, the involvement of local
people, the enforcement of international agreements, etc. The adoption of such
tools and approaches is particularly important where severe negative implications
of climate change for human well-being and liveli hoods are to be expected. But
they must be used within the context of a realistic strategy about what can be achieved and when.
Prevention is, of course, better than cure in the case of climate change; urgent
steps to reduce climate change are generally recognized as essential but continue to prove difficult to achieve. Climate change is already occurring, and as global
average temperatures continue to rise, it will be important to develop strategies to
conserve the species and habitats that are unable to adapt to change.
The response to wildlife challenges due to climate change fall into four main categories:
1. Maintaining current ecosystems wherever possible.
2. Adapting management to address climate change.
3. Restoring damaged or changing ecosystems.
4. Adopting landscape/seascape approaches.