What are the advantages and disadvantages of a morality shop?
Some religious believers believe that morality is rewarded after death and immoral behavior is punished.
Morality helps people to survive and is part of God's design for human development.
Morality is a command that must be obeyed and comes from an authority that is God
Some people believe that our conscience tells us what we ought to do/not to do.
Moral rules are set by society/ religion/ family.
Acting moral may not necessarily mean that you will be rewarded.
Morality shop - A novel type of store where there is no storekeeper is a morality shop. Each item or thing has a small piece of paper with the price inscribed on it. The objects have these price tags affixed to them.
Advantage of morality shop -
This shop offers a variety of advantages.
- No one is required to negotiate or bargain over costs with a store or salesperson.
- There is no shopkeeper or salesman present, but no one takes anything without paying.
Disadvantage of morality shop :
- However, it differs from other stores in that there isn't a salesperson or salespeople to help customers with their purchases and to keep a watch on them if they consider putting items in their bags or pockets without paying for them.
- Customers do not need to argue and bargain with the shopkeeper about the price of anything since there is no merchant.
- They must pay the price by putting money in the box stored there after observing the price level that is tied to each item. We actually need conscience to shop in a mortality store since it lets us know whether the conduct is right or wrong.