What are the advantages and disadvantages of HTML, URLs and HTTP as core technologies for information browsing?
Only Advantages there not any disadvantage except http.
Hypertext Markup Language
Advantages :
1. It is widely used .
2. Every browser supports HTML language .
3. Easy to learn and use .
4. Do not need to purchase any extra software because it is by default in every window .
Disadvantages :
1. It can create only static and plain pages so if we need dynamic pages then HTML is not useful .
2. I need to write a lot of code for making a simple webpage .
3. Security features are not good at HTML .
4. If we need to write long code for making a webpage then it produces some complexity .
Advantages :
1. They were helped get around this problem .
Disadvantages :
1. Short URLs can be difficult to memorize .
2. Third party short URL service can shut down .
3. Short URL offers no clue to destination URL.
4. URL shortener service can go offline .
Hyper Text Transfer protocol
1. It offers lower CPU.
2. It offers reduced network congestion .
3. It reports errors without closing the TCP connection .
Disadvantages :
1. It is too verbose .
2. It can be used for point to point connection .
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