What are the advantages and disadvantages of immediate operands and literals for specifying operand values?
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The immediate and literal operand is the addressing technique that enlarges the location of a memory in a system.
Immediate operand advantages:
- It is the simple way of addressing method in a system.
- In this process, the operand is present in the instruction of the field.
- It doesn't require the reference of other memory and save I'm a memory.
- It restricts the number size to the address field size
Literal operand advantages:
- It introduces data in a computer program.
- Helps in referring a data directly instructions of machine operand.
- Nitesh referred with a constant and not with the address.
- It lacks immediately value instruction
- Not assembled in the instruction.
- The immediate operand has the advantage that the operand is in the instruction and the literal operand has the disadvantage that it is not in the instruction.
Learn more about literal
Difference between immediate operand and literal
Difference between dc and literal
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