English, asked by hiteshreemaniar, 1 month ago

what are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving India?

( point should be aleast 5 to 7
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if u dont know the answer then donts answer the question )​


Answered by sashairis54

In a story form.


In 2012, my husband and I, came to US. He was going back to an ivy college for a management degree and I thought living in US, was my ultimate dream.

The first thing I noticed was the boredom, he was on F1 and I as his spouse was not entitled to work. I had just left a job in India to join him in US. He was busy all the time with coursework, and I had to entertain myself. We knew nobody in the place we lived, so no one visited us for months together. I used to contrast this with my stay in India, where at least my maid would visit me everyday. Some human touch, any human touch on a day to day basis.

Since we were on a student visa, it meant that we had a short financial leash. We couldn’t spend freely, go anywhere we wanted to and eat anywhere we felt like. It was a constant month on month of scrimping and saving.

Then came the disaster in the form of visa troubles. No matter what my husband tried most companies he cleared interview at were not interested in sponsoring his Visa, those that were interested in sponsoring we're not cleared. He must have given some 180 applications. None clicked. Finally something happened in Bangalore. A famous consulting firm hired him and flew back to the city we had left with just one month worth of finances left for staying in US.

I cannot describe the feeling of joy the moment I touched down at Bangalore airport. I felt that I had just escaped a prison sentence. My stay in US was mostly confined to a small studio apartment, with a constant nagging worry about our future.

Life was tough in India intially owing to the financial setback we had received, but I got a job. Then some months later I broke my leg. My help at home took over cooking, managing the house. A couple of relatives came over to help us in these times. Couldn't imagine that happening anywhere in US.

Five years later we are back in US today on a completely different visa. I can work now but I am taking my time to start that. I look at US with a different, satisfied perspective now, coz I have a home of my own in Bangalore now. A home which has the best from the world. A home waiting for us, in a gated community where strangers have become family.

And here when random strangers ask me if I plan to go back to India, I take great pleasure in telling them that I am waiting to go back to India. To my home, where u can get a hearty meal for 2$, where u can take a tuk-tuk for 2$ to the heart of the city, where u can get people to help you, where strangers take better care of u sometimes than family, where we have festivals that celebrate life, where you can choose to never feel lonely, where you can get stuffs from all over the world-a German furniture piece, sitting next to a Japanese one, where there are a million problems and a million opportunities to solve them.

Sure we are not a super power yet, but people like us are going to bloody well try to make it one in our lifetime!!

P S: I hope my answer, a tad long, has helped you realised that the country you live in is great.

PPS: Thank you so much for the upvotes. Had no idea that I would get such an overwhelming response.

Just wanted to add: Its 2021 and to all those guys who said that I would not be back in India, now that I am in US, thank you for your concern. I came back to India in 2020 just before all hell broke lose with the pandemic and all that. I can safely reiterate that I have no intention of moving to US again ever. I love the country I was born in, warts and all!

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