Biology, asked by jainithakkar8667, 1 year ago

what are the advantages and disadvantages of microorganisms? (20 points each )


Answered by batradivjyot25
~Microorganism are usefull in many ways to humans as they are used in indurstry mainly for the production of different compounds such as enzymes, organic acids, antibiotics, vitamins, they help in bakery industries in which chees, yoghurt etc. are produced with help of microbial action and also in alcohol industries. They are also helpfull in wasteproduct degradation as they are also natural decomposers. Now a days researches are being carried for extracting some biofuel from microbes. And they also help in reacillimatisation or barren lands....
~ Disadvantage of microbes is their pathogenicity to man and other animals especially farm animals. Microbes are the new threat as they are used as bioterrisom these days for e.g. antrax causing bacteria bacillus anthracis...

Hope It helps You Out =)

Thanks... (^^)
Answered by apalatejpefbcr

Type Useful microorganisms (one example) Harmful microorganisms(One example)

Bacteria Lactobacillus (curd bacteria) Salmonella typhi (causes typhoid)

Fungi Penicillium notatum (to make antibiotics) Trichophyton rubrum (Athlete's foot)

Algae Anabaena (biological nitrogen fixation) Blue-green algae and red tides (produce toxins)

Protozoa Paramecium (kills harmful bacteria) Plasmodium (malaria fever)

Virus polio, chicken pox (to make vaccines) HIV (causes AIDS) Useful effects of microorganisms

Bacteria: In industries, they are needed to make curd, cheese, vinegar, lactic acid, alcohol and even in ripening of tea leaves, etc.

Fungi: Some useful fungi are yeast, used to make dough in bakery and alcohol etc. Some fungi are useful for preparing antibiotics. Some mushrooms which are useful in making vitamins and organic acids.

Algae: Some useful algae are chlorella (produce protein and vitamin), red algae (agar) and brown algae (Iodine and potassium).

Protozoa: Some help in the final degradation of waste and sewage while some are symbiotic in nature.

Virus: They are used for scientific research such as in biotechnology, genetic engineering, gene therapy and for making antibiotics etc.

Harmful effects of microorganisms:

Bacteria: Causes various diseases such as typhoid, diarrhea, and cholera.

Fungi: Causes a large number of diseases in plants and in animals such as rust diseases in plants, fruit rot in apple, red rot in sugar cane and ring worm disease in human beings.

Algae: Algal boom in water (rapid growth of algae) causes poisonous effect after they die, which in turn results in the death of aquatic organisms.

Protozoa: Causes Amoebic dysentery, pyorrhoea and sleeping sickness etc.

Virus: Cause small fox, common cold, influenza, herpes, hepatitis, polio and rabies.

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