Economy, asked by legendarygamerop4, 6 hours ago

what are the advantages and disadvantages of modern farming methods plz write in points in a neat and clean way and easy to learn points minimum 3 or 4 points​ class 9 economics ch 1


Answered by nakshatrakaushik315


Modern Technology in Agriculture is only to decrease human endeavours. The greater part of the foreign nations is following modern technology in agribusiness and creating benefits. By applying this strategy, farmers are having more benefits and are ready to build their efficiency of yield.


Advantages of Modern Technology in Agriculture are: -

- Modern machines can lessen the endeavours of farmers.

- The use of HYV seeds has increased the production to manifolds.

- It can decrease production time.

- It is utilized to gracefully water to the yields.

- Machines are helpful for planting the seeds.

- Chemicals are used for pest control.

- Improves the fertility of the soil.

- Increment the cost and request of the items.

- Decrease the effect on the ecosystem.

- Modern farming has modern storage methods that reduce wastage of food grains.

- Crop protection is an important feature of modern farming.

Answered by prashantkushwaha321


The advantages of modern farming methods are as follows-

1. Higher yield per unit area

2. Higher productivity of labour

3. Efficient storage of farm produce

4. High level of mechanisation leads to less dependence on animal and human labour.

5. Better irrigation- less dependence on rains.


1. Increases soil and water pollution.

2. Degradation of land.

3. Chemicals infiltrate food produce making it harmful for humans.

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