What are the advantages and disadvantages of working part-time jobs
The advantage is
Extra time to pursue something else. The average person sleeps for approximately seven hours. ...
Gateway to advanced opportunities. Part-time jobs have the potential to lead to great things. ...
Less stress, better flexibility. ...
You develop time-management skills.
And disadvantage is
Effect on the study: While doing part time job, you'll have a busy schedule and you'll get less time for study and yourself. ... No extra benefits: Part time employees usually do not receive the benefits like health insurance, sick leave, holiday pay, etc.
For workers, flexibility is the key advantage of part-time jobs. Because they work less than a full-time day, they still have time to attend school, recover from an illness, care for family members, volunteer at worthy causes or work at another job for extra income. Those working less than half a day have the choice to work mornings, afternoons or evenings in establishments with longer hours. During busy periods, such as around the Christmas holidays at retailers, part-timers may be called upon to work longer or full-time shifts, which increase their earnings.
Part-time workers usually do not receive benefits such as health insurance, sick leave, holiday pay or vacations. When they are not working, they earn no income, which may prove detrimental during sudden illnesses or if they need to take a break. When times are bad, they are typically laid off before full-timers, because they have less time on the job and do not have the expertise of full-time workers. Part-timers may not be promoted as quickly as regular employees, if at all.