What are the advantages of long form of the periodic table?
Main features of long form of periodic table:
Groups. The vertical columns in the periodic table are known as groups. There are 18 groups in the long form of periodic table.
Each group having the same electronic configuration in the outermost shell.
Periods. There are 7 periods in the long form of periodic table.
It is denoted by n which means highest principal quantum number.
Lanthanoids. Group of 14 elements in the sixth period. They are placed after Lanthanum.
Actinides. Group of 14 elements in the seventh period after actinium. Both Lanthanoids and actinoids are placed in separate panel at the bottom of the periodic table.
Advantages of long form of periodic table:
It gives a suitable link between the position of element and its electronic configuration.
On the basis of atomic numbers it easier to remember all the elements.
it is easy to remember and reproduce