What are the advantages of semiconductor devices over vacuum tube devices ?
(1) The doping of a semiconductor can be altered to suit our purpose and thus the electronic properties of semiconductors can be controlled.
(2) The semiconductor devices are small in sizenand light in weight. Hence, the circuits made with semiconductor devices are very compact.
(3) Semiconductor devices require low voltage for operation (of the order of a few mV) and require less current (of the order of uA or mA). Therefore, they consume less power.
(4) These devices are thermally stable as almost no heating effects occur while their operation. Also they start operating as soon as the circuit is switched on.
(5) As they are smaller in size; faster speed of operation is possible.
(6) With the help of semiconductor devices ICs are fabricated.
Compared to vacuum tubes, semiconductor devices always need a low operating voltage. Because semiconductors are small in size, the circuits involving them are also very compact. Unlike vacuum tubes, semiconductors are shock-proof. Moreover, they are smaller in size and occupy less space and consume less power.
Hope it helps
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