Social Sciences, asked by sanjaycr728, 9 months ago

what are the aims of India's foreign policy​


Answered by pragyathakur263

about the lacunae in indian foreign policy so you’ll get holistic view of foreign policy.following are the short and long term goals infornt of India.

Neighborhood first: Increase relations with our neighbors, due to some resons recently our relations are in limbo or not in sound conditions. Due to this it take very heavy toll on economical,cultural activity.we loose low hanging opportunity infront of us

Increase in relationship with developing country: Countries those who are in middle income range like african countries,countries in latin america,middle east,island countries like fiji,papua new gini are need not or can not afford technology or other economic activity with developed countries. So countries like india can provide interventions that will easily affordable to those countries. Fortunately in current regime we find out those opportunity,but there is lot to be done.

Manifestation of India on International media with new energy: Due to some historical,cultural,societal reason and wrong or delyed policy measures our performance on human indicators very low on par with same per capita income countries. So it creats wrongs images on media. I think we most focus on these indicators like health,hygiene, education,potable water,nutrition. Making policies and diverting our beurocratic efforts into that directions so it will reap huge benefits to us. We take it as a short term goals

Revive SAARC & BRICS: International grouping of countries plays huge role in the internal governance,policy and economic pursuit of participant countries. Failure of SAARC & BRICS to make them on par with G7,ASIAN and TPP. Creates lack of cohesion in south asian politics and economics.

Environmental stability: All measure reports based on environment and living Conditions are put our country on very worst postion. We need to make countries air breathable, water potable. It will possible in by embracing and generating clean technology.

There other long terms goals like Permanat seats in UNSC, membership of NSG. But in my view these goals have not direct implications on citizen of india especially those who are in below poverty line or those who are marginalized community.

be happy....

hope it will help you...

Answered by kumarisaloni93427


Hello dear, Here is your answer:

In short, our Foreign policy has at least four important goals : 1. to protect India from traditional and non-traditional threats; 2. to create an external environment which is conducive for an inclusive development of India so that the benefits of growth can reach the poorest of the poor in the country.


Please mark my answer as brainlist, please

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