what are the algorthims of cfop formula
I wrote the name of each algorithm at the beginning of the rotation chain. On the images the dots mark the direction of the permuataitons (like arrowheads).track the two corners in UBR and UFR around the cube
A 1:
x [(R' U R') D2] [(R U' R') D2] R2memorize it by motions instead of notation
A 2:
x' [(R U' R) D2] [(R' U R) D2] R2R2 U, then the RUR'U' trigger
U 1:
R2 U [R U R' U'] (R' U') (R' U R')Rubiks cube pll U2 case
U 2:
[R U'] [R U] [R U] [R U'] R' U' R2middle layer trick
M2 U M2 U2 M2 U M2track F2L pairs around the cube
[R U R' U'] [R' F] [R2 U' R'] U' [R U R' F']similar to another case
J 1:
[R' U L'] [U2 R U' R' U2] [R L U']J2 case
J 2:
[R U R' F'] {[R U R' U'] [R' F] [R2 U' R'] U'}Advanced Rubiks tutorial
R 1:
[L U2' L' U2'] [L F'] [L' U' L U] [L F] L2' Uspeedcubing method
R 2:
[R' U2 R U2] [R' F] [R U R' U'] [R' F'] R2 U'solve the cube faster
[R' U R' d'] [R' F'] [R2 U' R' U] [R' F R F]lowercase u means double layer turn
G 1:
R2 u R' U R' U' R u' R2 [y' R' U R]
G 2:
[R' U' R] y R2 u R' U R U' R u' R2small u is the two top layers together
G 3:
R2 u' R U' R U R' u R2 [y R U' R']G4 speedcubing algorithm
G 4:
[R U R'] y' R2 u' R U' R' U R' u R2easy speedcubing algorithm
[R' U2 R' d'] [R' F'] [R2 U' R' U] [R' F R U' F]middle layers trick
M2 U M2 U M' U2 M2 U2 M' U2corners and 2 edges
F R U' R' U' [R U R' F'] {[R U R' U'] [R' F R F']}Fridrich method with images
N 1:
{(L U' R) U2 (L' U R')} {(L U' R) U2 (L' U R')} Upermutation of last layer explained PLL
N 2:
{(R' U L') U2 (R U' L)} {(R' U L') U2 (R U' L)} U'
the E algorithm
X' (R U' R') D (R U R') u2 (R' U R) D (R' U' R)