what are the application of photoshoot?
1. Task 1. Different Applications of Photography Stick your name here
2. Advertising IndustryPhotography is a vital part of theadvertising industry. It is used mainlyfor advertising on billboards, on theside of busses, bus stops etc. It is verypowerful because it is usually the firstthing someone will see when they seean advertisement and quite often thelast thing they will remember. Whenphotographers take images for anadvertisement they have to beabsolutely clear about the messagethe company want to convey, howthey can make the photo sell theproduct. Unlike with TV adverts, theyonly have one image to sell theirproduct so the photograph has to bethe best it can be to sell the product.
3. Fashion IndustryPhotography in the fashion industry isused to advertise clothes in things suchas magazines, catalogues, websitesetc. It is the photographers job tomake their photos eye catching andillustrate the intended design. Certainclothing brands have a specific way ofmaking clothes and this must beshown in the photos. Quite oftencertain items of clothing will be shownon celebrities to increase the appeal tothe audience because of the celebrityappeal. Basically someone who worksin fashion photography, their job is touse their skills to promote a company’sclothes to the best they possibly can.
4. Music IndustryPhotography is used in the musicindustry for things such as musicmagazines, photos of musicians/bandsare used for front covers/articles as anaccompanying image from the text. It isa chance for a music artist to get theirface seen so they try and look theirbest. Also it is used for things such aspromoting festivals and concerts. A lotof music photographers go to festivalsand gigs and take pictures during liveshows and use them in magazines andon websites to promote them. Alsosome photographers may take theirown photographs to use in a portfolioor website.
5. Sports IndustryPhotography is used in the sportsindustry for things such as footballmagazines or websites such as skysports or bbc sport. Quite often aphotographer will go to an event suchas a football match or an F1 race andtake pictures of the players/driversand also of the crowd, thestadium/track, staff and other thingsto use for articles. For big events suchas the world cup or the olympics,photographers will have to be at theirvery best to get hired to take picturesbecause they are once every fouryears events and the photos need tobe at their best. The main skillsinvolve being able to capture heaction of the event and take actionshots to show the intensity of thesport. The best sports photographerstry and capture the facial expressionsof the people taking part to show theemotions they feel whilst in the sport.
6. Photo journalismA photo journalist would most likelywork for a news company or possiblyfreelance, their role would be to lookat a news story and take photographsto be used on the news and innewspapers, for example they mayhave to take pictures of someone whois involved in a news story and wouldeither return to the news companywith the photos or try and sell it to anews company. They may also work fora magazine or a website and wouldtake different kinds of photographs fornews stories relating to thosemagazines. The main skills involvebeing able to tell a news story throughphotographers rather than just takingphotographs, they have to givemeaning to the photographs.
7. Fine Art PhotographyFine art photography is basically whenthe photographer takes photographspurely for the way they look, they wouldgo somewhere where there are plenty ofgood views and set up shots and use thecamera to create their vision. Unlikemost other types of photography, fineart photography doesn’t have to sell aproduct, or tell a story, it just needs tolook good. Photographs may go todifferent types of places forphotographs, they may have an album inthe mountains and one in a big city. Mostof the time they will try to fit as much asthey can into a photograph but stillfollow some of the rules of photographysuch as the rule of thirds to make it lookas good as possible. They usually workfreelance and have a website/blog withtheir photos on and will try and sell themto people for good amounts of money.
Different applications of photography
1. Task 1. Different Applications of Photography Olivia Berry
2. Advertising Industry Photography is used in the Advertising Industry as lots of companies and brands need to sell their products. To do this, they need to show what they’re trying to sell in the best possible way. This will be done by a large range of camera techniques and creative editing. Personally, I like advertising photography. It gives you a chance to be more creative with the images you take and there is a lot of editing involved to create the finished product. The editing has to resemble the product it is advertising, for instance the Garnier advertisement to the right looks very light and airy, showing that it is going to be ok to use on your skin. A few examples of photographers who deal with this industry are: Jonathon Knowles, Tim Tadder, Williams Moy and Justin Windle.
3. Fashion Industry Photography is used in the Fashion Industry to show off the product by the designer. This is usually done in a creative way in which to make that particular brand stand out from others. Fashion photography is advertising but in a different way. There are usually more models used, and these will be posed in a way which best shows the clothes. I like fashion photography because you can see all the work that has been put into them to show the model in their clothes in the best light. My personal favourite fashion photographer is Richard Avedon as his shots are usually unusual and really capture your attention. Some examples of Fashion Photographers are Richard Avedon, Patrick Demarchelier and Annie Leibovitz.
4. Music Industry Photography is used in the Music Industry to show of the artists. These photographs are often used on band merchandise or album covers etc. The bands or artists will often be seen in action, live on stage, or will be staged in a way which fits the purpose of what the picture is for. I like candid and un-posed shots of artists performing. I think it shows them at their best, doing what they love. It makes me wonder what the artist is thinking at that moment and in that moment it makes them seem just like everybody else. The more posed the image is, the faker it makes the artist seem I find. Some popular music photographers are: Kevin Cummins, Mick Rock, Andy Fallon, Andrew Cotterill, Paul Harries, Mick Hutson, Roger Sargent and Andy Willsher.
5. Sports Industry Sports photography is used to document important moments in the sporting industry, for example the winning moment or victory celebrations. You will usually be able to see movement in the pictures to really get a sense of experiencing the real scene first hand. I feel that sports photography would be the hardest to do as you have to constantly be ready for the next shot. You have to anticipate what is going to happen next so you can get the best possible shot. Some photographers that specify in the sporting field are: Bob Martin, John G. Zimmerman, Neil Leifer and Bill Frakes.
6. Photo journalism Photojournalism is used to record and document stories which the public will be interested in knowing about. A lot of the time these images are graphic or controversial and show things that you’re often not comfortable with looking at, however they will be taken in a way in which you cannot help but look, and make up your own scenario as to what's going on. I like this style of photography because images are one of the best types of way to learn. They show you what is going on in a pictorial form and these images will stay with you for a lifetime. They are usually very interesting and candid which is the type of image I like. Photographers which do this are: Dorothea Lang, Robert Capa, Romano Cagnoni, Alfred Eisenstaedt, Margaret Bourke-White and W. Eugene Smith.
7. Fine Art Photography Fine art photography is usually done to provoke emotions. Its hard to explain because only the artist knows the true meaning behind it. Fine art is often shot in black and white because the right contrast is needed for the image to be effective. Fine art photography I find is the hardest to do as it all depends on personal opinion on what you find aesthetically pleasing. I like looking and black and white photos as it creates another image in my head of what the image looked like when not edited. A famous fine art photographer is Ian Bramham who is award winning.