What are the areas of the conflict between the bengal nawabs and east india company?
The areas of conflict between the Nawab of Bengal and the East India Company were :
1. Fortification- The British in Bengal were planning to raise fortifications round their trade centres but the Nawab refused.
2. Misuse of Trade privileges- The Mughal emperor Farrukh Siyar had granted the British company a farman to carry on duty free trade in Bengal,Bihar and Orissa in exchange of a payment of Rs.3000 per year. But the English merchants started misusing this privilege. They indulge in private trade and evaded the payment of taxes.
3. Instigating the Hindu subjects- The British started instigating Hindu subjects of the Nawab.
4. Conspiracy against the Nawab- Robert Clive was bent upon fighting a war against the Nawab. He therefore won over Mir Jafar, the Commander of Siraj-ud-Daula and a Hindu banker Amin Chand by giving a false promise of thirty lakh rupees.
5. Immediate cause- when the conspiracy was fully hatched ,Clive charged Siraj-ud-Daula of violating the treaty of 1757 by entering into a conspiracy with the French and Dutch. The Nawab refused but Clive started the Battle of Plassey in 1757.